Our quest begins in a tavern…

From a hangover to handmade leather

It all started one cold December morning.

I awoke. Hungover.

Feeling sorry for myself, I decided to do something to lift my spirits. I chose to finally sew a metal pauldron to an old blazer in my wardrobe and head out for a walk. The feeling of confidence that filled me, as I walked around the city that afternoon, was a better balm to my hangover than any hair of the dog concoction.

I knew then that I wanted to share that feeling of confidence with other people and I started on my journey to Blades and Blazers.


I believe that no one should be judged for what they want to wear.

Despite believing in that statement all my life, and reassuring others with that wisdom, I didn’t fully embrace those words until my 30’s. I held back out of social fear and worry about what those closest to me might think or say. It took a massive upheaval in my life to alert me to the fact that I had been letting others tell me how to dress.

In late 2018, I was living alone and got to experience the rare sense of freedom that comes with not having to inform anyone else where you are going or when you’ll be home, and with that came the dawning realisation that I could be even more free. Not only was I at liberty to go out when I fancied but I was also able to wear anything I chose to without the judgement (imagined or otherwise) of a partner or housemate. Just because I had known this fact logically that didn’t mean that I knew it emotionally, and to make the leap in confidence to wear smart modern clothing with armour incorporated into it required me knowing it in my heart.

I didn’t really have anyone to show me that I could give myself permission to unleash my style. However, you have already stumbled across Blades and Blazers and that gives you a huge advantage over me.

Let me aid you on your quest as you unleash your true and powerful style on the world. Because, you deserve to give yourself permission to step out of the shadows and embrace the things that fuel your passion in life, or step into the shadows and embrace the rogue aesthetic.

Plus, damn, it feels good to wear a bit of armour everyday!

Fantasy fashion for modern Quests

I make things that I want to wear.

I was introduced to LARP by my best friend in my early teens, I was invited to a birthday party held in Chiselhurst Caves, and from that first event I was utterly hooked. Fantasy worlds infused my life after that. With authors like Tolkien, Pulman, and (of course) Pratchett my life started to be filled with magic and adventure.

Fantasy stories are full of heroes going on epic quests of a lifetime and we are all the heroes of our own stories and we deserve to feel confident every time we open the door and set out on our adventures. Designed as the modern suit of armour (Pun entirely intended. Get it? Suit blazers. Suits of armour… Yeah, you totally get it, ya big nerd.), I modify clothing to be a touch of fantasy magic in your wardrobe and also a way to protect against the modern world. As the shield gives the paladin confidence in battle, my armoured clothing gives me confidence on the street and I hope that it will do the same for you.

I use full grain veg tan leather for the bulk of my modifications and I source all of my blazers from second hand stores and charity shops because I don’t agree with unsustainable fast fashion. Clothing and accessories should be loved and made with love to last and that’s what you’ll find on this website. If I’m selling it then that means that I’m proud of it, and what better compliment can that be to a product?

Who makes all these!?

I do! And I practice with them three hours a day!

Hi, I’m Elliot and I’m the UK based leatherworker and fantasy nerd who runs this show. You probably know enough about me by now so, all that’s really left to say is welcome to Blades and Blazers.

If there’s something specific you have in mind, feel free to contact me with your commission ideas because I do love a good challenge. Otherwise, why not have a look around and upgrade your wardrobe with a bit of magic?

Oh, and good luck on your quest.

These guys aren’t actually in medieval armour. They’re really just wearing suits from Blades and Blazers.

These guys aren’t actually in medieval armour. They’re really just wearing suits from Blades and Blazers.